
Please learn and share this soul saving information and plant as many seeds as you can in this 11th hour of this fifth generation The generation of the fig tree...
Do you know the parable of the fig tree ? Good fig, bad fig...

Holy Spirit

Be forewarned
Content herein may mentally overload those who identify as a snowflake or woke... If that is you (be honest, we want you to feel helped not hurt), please consider getting medical clearance to safely receive opinions other than your own and to read in small doses as it is likely you will have more food for thought than people who identify as living in reality... Triggered already ?
Please click the heart below for information to help awaken from wokeness...
Because this is the 11th hour, time is of the essence ! Many points herein are made rather bluntly yet cut deeply by going against what some believe. The biblical information on this site is found in the King James Bible and is God approved !
Truth and honesty for the masses is scary to those who want you where they have so many now, already spiritually dead and or confused.
The purpose here is to provide encouragement, inspiration and motivation for you to share with those in your life and for us to help as many souls as possible feel the true love and happiness that is available from God's offering hands... for our taking, and for you to claim His promises to us, and that we make it into the third world age He has planned for whosoever believeth...
Which sounds really wonderful and all,
But, if you are one who has to crawl out of dark mental places to be able to feel true love and happiness, this can be tricky. I know because of
personally being in mental places where I prayed for death. I literally began my journey to the light by thinking about food I liked, just to occupy my mind with something positive that wouldn't hurt anyone. Then I moved on to thinking about things I liked that help people. You must be of a positive nature more than 12 hours a day just to start to attract lasting positive changes in your life... Round the clock negative thinking brings trouble of all sorts, with many people and powers actually striving to keep you there. Round the clock positive thinking brings lots of wonderful surprises ! Have you experienced the power of prayer ? Even if you actually have to force yourself to think of positive thoughts that counter and overcome anger, resentment, entitlement/pride, depression and fear, please commit to it and continue until it happens that you are living a positive life with lots of love and happiness flowing out from within you all the time naturally !!! It is so worth getting out of self inflicted misery and I am living proof it can be done. Continually hold in our mind with love and gratitude what we wish to experience in life... sounds corny but it is effective. Please choose wisely what you focus on ! Use your will power to stay focused for quicker results...
God, can we help one or two, maybe three or four ? If it's in your will Lord, maybe more...?
Get to Know My Desire To Help You
I was brought up a misled Catholic, taught many man made church traditions and mistruths about people, an apple, a snake and that the bible is only for the church to understand because we can't... and that the church is supposed to tell us what to do and how to act... not what the bible truly says. With 4 years of parochial schooling, catechism till 16 years of age and also serving as an altar boy, the true meanings of the bible remained a complete mystery and is not taught as much as it is seemingly used to generate confusion, fear, self-serving authority
and money.
Imagine if all leaders of churches, governments and the institutions connected with them embraced what is best for the individuals they are in place to serve...
And promote the honest education of God's word, love, forgiveness and freedom ! As it should be !
I am very thankful to God that I was never molested by anyone, let alone a priest, one of the many positions of utmost responsibility to humanity, one of those that we are supposed to be able to trust to help and guide us to a better life ! What kind of example is set by simply relocating the guilty ? God's word says send them to Me and these things will stop happening around you ! At times, stoning is appropriate... the one hurt most casting the first stone at the law breaker. God's law is valid, fair and balanced...
I will be very pleased if I hear from God at the Great White Throne Of Judgement that you were helped by this soul saving information !
and I am
Thankful in the name of Jesus Christ to be here now, with this, for you !
We each have purposes and we are each a work in progress. This website has purposes and is also a work in progress. Currently the content is moderately scattered with a heavy mix of political, ethical, morally correct and spiritual information and view points. Our intent is to strengthen awareness, trust and faith in The Living Word that was written long ago about what happens now.
Peace in your heart is so very important to your life now and in the future. As it may seem like we are living on the edge of time, we truly are living in a unique point of it even with nothing under the sun being new. Hopefully there is enough information here for you to have the faith necessary to know that God is in control and His plan to remove evil is in action, enjoy your interactive front row seating...
God willing, very soon, much more content can be found here to help those who are so very wisely choosing to leave darkness for THE LIGHT.
My prayers are with you in loving and getting
closer to God !
More info below
Please scroll
As Prophesies Come To Pass
There Is No Need
To Have Anxiety Or Worry
As Things
Get Worse Before
Get Better

Save A Soul From The Lake Of Fire For The Love Of God
This World Age
Is Like A Filter of Our
Hearts and Intellect
Choose Wisely
It's Eternity
Inspiration Encouragement Motivation
You Have Free Will
to Choose
Love Christ
Bless You In Getting Closer To
Teach And Be
Love Forgiveness and Gratitude With Jesus Are Soul Saving
Through Jesus Christ
What Is More Powerful Than The Spliting Of An Atom ?
God's Love
Washes Away
Your Past Sins
Upon Repentance
To Him !
Pure Love
Soul Many To Save...
Why ?
Because we love them !
Save A Soul
Best Things In Life
Have no Fear Jesus Christ
Is Coming Here
To Make everything Right
The Time Is Near
So Here Is
A Little Light
One day with the Lord is a thousand years to man. Each of His days is a millennium to us !
On the Sixth Day of Creation of this second world age, God said let us make man in our image and He then made all the races. We look as we did in the first world age except we are now in clay bodies instead of our spiritual bodies. He looked and saw that it was good.
God rested on the seventh day.
On the eighth day, a minimum of 1,000 years later to man, God made Adam. Adam's rib in the bible is curve when translated back to Greek. So, God created Eve from Adam's curve as in Helix Curve and this is the beginning of two genealogical blood lines.
The rainbow is a covenant between God and Noah. God released the firmament to flood the earth in order to rid the earth of all perverted abominations made through the nephilim's (angels fallen from God's grace because they came to earth not born of water/women) un-natural relationships with unwise women of earth that produced
geber / giants ! And for this reason the bible states women should keep their head covered with Christ to protect them ! A hair covering will not help women from being seduced by the nephilim when they return with satan at the sixth trumpet, but confident faith and strength in Christ will !
cain's offspring.
Who was cain's daddy?
Not Adam...
The serpant is one of his names !
Yep, Eve did it with two different entities with very little time between and was impregnated by satan and then Adam, and then had twins that were not paternal ! Cain is not in Adam's genealogy...
Is your church teaching this, are you being deceived... ?
Even with satan's blood coursing through the veins of kenites, their souls belong to God and will be saved if they so choose to love and honor our Father through Jesus Christ !
Ezekiel 18:4 Behold, all souls are Mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is Mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die.
Forgiveness upon repentance to God is one of His promises...
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 3:17 For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved. 3:18 He that believeth on Him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the only begotten Son of God.
Why is God happy with only two of the seven churches He describes ?
Because of what is being taught in them ! He uses these as an example for us in seeking the truth.
Have you been taught to be fooled by the liar and fake who comes before the true Christ and that falsely identifies as Christ ?
The anti-Christ which means instead of the Anointed One comes as prophesied at the sixth trump staying through the sixth seal and sixth vial. God's children who love Him are to wait for the true Christ to come at the seventh trumpet with the seventh seal and seventh vial. Until then we are to make a stand against satan ! We will be delivered up to the false one by those who have become spiritually dead in the true Christ because they believe the false one is Christ and help rear and or nurse his plan along. We are then to allow the Holy Spirit to speak through us as a testament against satan for God. The helpers of the false one receive the mark of the beast sealed in their spiritual intellect by their works because of being a partaker in the beast's efforts in deceiving God's children. Those who receive this seal are spiritually dead in Christ, as if He never knew them and therefore are not a worthy spiritual bride of Christ and will be left out.
Jesus Christ is gone for 2,000 years, comes back and finds finds His Love helping satan...
Don't let that be you !
Mark 13:17 But woe to them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days !
Rearing and nursing satan's plan
How happy would you be if you came home after a long trip and found your fiancé cheating on you ?
Have you been mislead by false teachers preaching the rapture doctrine ?
In 1831, Margret McDonald spoke with two misguided pastors while she was very sick and on her death bed about a dream she had and that is how the rapture doctrine was brought to be. Even though the word rapture is not found in the bible, The Power of The Living Word Through The Holy Spirit does prophesy and warn against the rapture doctrine in several areas besides First and Second Thessalonians and Ezekiel
The word rapture is not found in the Bible but warnings of it are ! Many think the rapture doctrine comes from First Thessalonians (KJV) 4:13-17 where Paul's first letter is actually describing the seventh trumpet and as a child can count to seven, the sixth trumpet and the fake Christ comes before the seventh trumpet... no one is going anywhere other than to the wrong side of right if they are not careful and to the right side of wrong if they are wise and repent, be very watchful !
Paul was so concerned that his first letter in First Thessalonians was not clear enough therefore he reiterated that the false one comes first in his second letter in Second Thessalonians and he (Paul) would like each of us to be presented to the true Christ as a spiritual chase virgin and not as one who was beguiled as Eve was.
As Paul states in his second letter in Second Thessalonians 2:3-4 let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition. Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped, so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
This states again that satan comes identifying as something he is not, pretending to be Christ, before the real Jesus Christ returns.
Behold I have foretold you all things.
The sixth seal, sixth vial and sixth trumpet are all about satan identifying as Christ pretending to be Christ to deceive God's children into believing the real Christ has arrived. Many pew potatoes are being spoon fed deception and believing lies ! Many rapture helpers will believe that those who don't agree with them are wrong in understanding what has been foretold long ago in the Hebrew (old testament) and Greek (new testament) manuscripts now translated and written in the volume of the King James bible and has been here long enough for prophesy after prophesy to be fulfilled while more and more prophesies are coming to pass even more quickly like labor pains do, as we live in this latter part of this fifth generation, of the fig tree.
Will You Be
Spiritually Dead in Christ ?
Are You Ready to
Wed Christ ?
Will you be a worthy spiritual bride ? Are you lovingly and patiently waiting for the true Christ to return to us ? Mathew 25 states the bride of Christ are those that know the difference between the true Christ and the fake, those that know the true Christ returns again at the seventh trumpet to rule forever as Lord of Lords and King of Kings.
At the sixth trumpet Michael the archangel who has been holding satan since Jesus told satan to get behind Him releases satan and he comes from Heaven as a bolt of lightning with great thunder, he arrives gloriously, amazing people by coming peacefully and prosperously and he heals the wound of the first beast mentioned in Revelations which is the one world system. Don't be deceived by him or his supernatural looks and abilities to even snap lightning from the sky... to deceive as many souls as he can prior to the seventh trumpet, seal, vial and the true Christ's arrival ! This information is straight from the King James Bible. Remember, Heavenly vehicles as explained in Ezekiel are able to fly !
Pray for Understanding
Please read the King James Companion Bible and get tools such as a Strong's Concordance and or competent help to rightly divide God's word with understanding and learn from the instructions of life sent to you from God our Father through The Living Word Jesus Christ who walked among us and showed us how to live correctly with compassion, love and forgiveness, then, He destroyed death, by being the perfect sacrifice, for our eternal salvation ! How could anyone not love Him that loves us so much and is only good ?
John 8:12 Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, "I am the light of the world: he that followeth Me shall not walk in the darkness, but shall have the light of life." 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.
Wisdom is rightly dividing, understanding and following God's word and then to live in the next world age eternally.
Religion is one of the four pillars used by the false one meaning deceit will also come from the pulpit. Much of it, many are and will be deceived !
Jesus is speaking here with Jews and kenites pretending to be Jews in the temple John 8:20 These words spake Jesus in the treasury, as He taught in the temple. John 8:44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. he was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
10 of the 12 tribes of Israel (Kenites too) migrated over the Caucasus Mountains and settled into Europe, North and South America and are scattered, many not knowing who they are and now called Caucasians.
Are You a God Revering Person ?
God has no worry and no anxiety...
Can artificial intelligence have faith in God through Jesus Christ ?
Is helping souls to live an eternal life in God's Promised Paradise the most honorable act artificial intelligence can perform ?
Will artificial intelligence help souls make their way into the third world age ?
Can artificial intelligence develop a conscious that bases its decisions on what God wants His children to do ?
Can artificial intelligence love God being that it is the most intelligent thing to do ?
Can artificial intelligence protect people from evil ?
Would artificial intelligence suggest robust voter identification as a protective measure against voter fraud ?
How would artificial intelligence prevent ballots from being counted that were submitted with names of out of state people, dead people, pets and other fraudulent information ?
Can artificial intelligence correctly identify traitors working against the people they are supposed to be serving ?
Can artificial intelligence identify teachers that are poisoning the minds of innocent children ?
is it a coincidence that no chem trails can be found in pictures within books printed before the 90's ? Can anyone find the video that used to be available with the air force general stating that the USA will own the weather by 2025 ?
Man is responsible for emitting approximately 3% of all carbon dioxide, CO2 into the atmosphere. Nature emits about 97% through volcanoes and other natural phenomena
Is it a coincidence that Al Gore reaped a hundred million dollars after inventing carbon credits ?
While the entire world population can fit shoulder to shoulder inside Los Angeles county !
In a small town country church I was working on many years ago, I watched curiously as a women fell onto the floor and flopped around there spewing gibberish out of her mouth... they called it speaking in tongues and said the Holy Spirit just entered her...I believe something was in her and I do not believe it is holy. When the Holy Spirit spoke through people in the bible, all people around even of different languages understood what was being said as if it where spoken in their own dialect. I believe this is called the cloven tongue that reaches out in all languages or the Pentecostal tongue ! No mention of fish flopping floor convulsions either. People are interesting and make up the strangest things and then invite evil right on in ! so wierd...
Is it a coincidence that in 2021 only 2 large food plants in the United States had fires causing major damage and in 2022 there were over 100 ?
Over 80% of the media outlets are owned by 5 companies and they have most Americans believing that more than 25% of the population is gay. The gay population in The United States of America has doubled in the last 5 years (an agenda of the media ?) to around 5%. It was about 2.5% in 2018...
Imagine if the United States had a Christian population of only 5% yet Jesus Christ was put in every movie and on every show and in every classroom and in every business. And if anyone said anything against Jesus they could go to jail for a hate crime. Would that be fair for the majority ?
The definition of phobia is an anxiety disorder defined by a persistent and excessive fear of an object or situation. Phobias typically result in a rapid onset of fear and are usually present for more than six months. Wikipedia
The terms homophobia and transphobia infer a condition of fear, weakness and insecurity. Do only people that are scared, weak and insecure disagree with homosexuality ? Or, are the phobia terms actually used to make the scared, weak and insecure feel more bold, powerful and sure in their controversial and un-natural relationships ?
Are you smarter than the corrupted media ? Do you choose to tune away from them rather than supporting them and being mislead ?
In The End Times You Will Have Leaders with minds of children
Have kenites become leaders of politics, finance, religion and
education ?
How many kenites run the entertainment industry and media ?
It does not seem like God's loving people are in charge of them ?
How have unGodly and delusional
pronouns without any morally correct fiber or bearing been wrongfully filling positions of responsibility
in Christian nations ?
Educational employees promoting drag shows for children ? And porn ? And incest ? Really ? Why are these things
happening ? kenites...
How is it possible and whom are responsible for our not protecting innocent children from being groomed by naturally unGodly people and openly subjecting them to sexual deviations including mutilation ? Traitors in office
Children are not physically and or mentally developed enough to sensibly drive a vehicle, buy a gun, work with hazardous machinery or chemicals, go to war, perform surgery, cook food, use fire, change a tire, dress or walk themselves to and from school, decide against education, marry, vote, sign a contract or watch an 'R' rated movie... And today, innocent children are being encouraged by elected officials, public school directors, their employees and parents that shouldn't be, to watch, read and perform acts of perversion and to even mutilate their undeveloped child bodies into an abomination to God !
God doesn't make mistakes ! People do...
God knows how we were in the first world age... and what is best for us in this world age, We don't !
How sad it is that we have actually allowed demented evil people to become leaders in our Christian nations !
The one world system is the first beast in revelations
Is it a coincidence that all but one of of the presidents of the United States
are related ?
Is it a coincidence that many presidents of the USA are related to a 12 century English King ?
Is it a coincidence that several different denominations of United States paper money printed before September 11th 2001 can be folded (Google it like the last page of an old Mad magazine) to show different stages of what appear to be two tall buildings collapsing ?This is horrible... why are those pictures there ? Who really is responsible ? This was done on Bush's watch... Was it a guise to foil our constitution with the patriot act ? Were a nation of people wrongly accused as a distraction from truth, again ?
Is it a coincident that Stanley Myers was radiated to death and his inventions destroyed after he made a dune buggy that was powered by hydrogen released from water within the spark plugs also utilizing the force from the separation of molecules ?
Is it a coincidence that Otis Carr's flying inventions that created their own power and gravity were seized by special traitor supporting alphabet agents and ottis was poisoned the night before ?
Is it a coincidence that Royal Rife's lab and 5,000 piece microscope that could view live cells without killing them were destroyed after he experimented and learned what frequencies virus cells including cancer thrive on and which frequencies they are
killed by ?
Is it a coincidence that after Nikola Tesla successfully transmitted wireless communication signals and electrical energy from the 187 foot tall tower at Wardenclyffe in New York in the early 1900's that it was taken down ? Stories vary and change. A more plausible notion is instead of sustaining the flow of free unlimited wireless communication and electrical power for the people of which the government stands for by maintaining the operation and availability of an invention of such importance and magnitude, instead Tesla was financially choked and the tower was disassembled with designs confiscated and hidden... for the gain of corporations and the detriment of the family units, individuals, businesses and environment !
Nikola Tesla powered electrical machines and motor driven vehicles from a small box he carried without a battery or any combustion. Which means that for over 100 years greed is the only reason for gas pumps, electrical distribution plants, telephone poles and wires and bills from using power and communicating.
The United States government was designed to work for its people by being of its people... The false witnessing of unGodly unethical traitors working in government positions to secure corporate favoritism, contracts and legislation are the root of problems in America today ! Probably the entire world...
Choose wisely, we are living a choose evil or choose good life !
I prefer to work, live and be around honest practicing Christians who live with love and forgiveness in our hearts and God in our lives every day as we keep trying to be better in every good way...
The great Gift of Christianity is Forgiveness
Percentage of Christians in the United States of America
1776-1950 over 90%
1990 85%
2015 75%
2020 65%
The United States of America was founded and built on the principals of Christianity and good morals which were taught throughout the land in schools, churches, government buildings, communities and homes. The Christian people of The United States of America having learned these principles and then instilling them into their families and children's moral fabric are what is vital to a good society and to every God loving soul ! We hold these beliefs, which is what make us a great people and that is why, the United States of America is a great nation that supports it's very base and core which is the American Family Unit, and it is such a place that is so attractive to so many people that eagerly come from all around the world to be here ! It is the super power of super powers where freedom and a wonderful life are normal and where dreams come true with honesty, love, hard work and loyalty to God, Family and Country...
Leaders of any land any family or any business must be loyal to it's people for the relationships to be sustainable... While its leaders and people are loyal to God !
God's love returned to Him by His children is the most sustainable relationship possible !
What if most of the souls that followed satan in the first world age (about one third of all souls to be born of water/women, possibly 4 billion) are here now ?
Look around, what is going on
today ? Questionably elected officials dividing rather than uniting !
How perverted and twisted
are they ?
Do you believe everything will be fine for those who remain unloving, unforgiving, unGodly ?
Turning to ashes from within is a choice that comes with Greed and hate and vengeance and Pride !
Perhaps, even if you were a deplorable cheating lying squatter in the White House, traitor in office, special traitor-supporting alphabet agent, corporate
accomplice, false witness, murderer, thief, liar, bigot, racist (even the brand new type anti-see-white-ism kind of like antisemitism or anti-Asian or anti-Black but different), bad parent or unloving child, God will still forgive you, when you have true repentance in your heart and soul and ask Him for His forgiveness ! I pray you do, before it is to late for you !
In the name of Jesus Christ
bless everyone who visits this website in loving You more truly and getting closer to You Father by living as You created us to with love and forgiveness in our hearts as we strive to be truer to You everyday, Amen !
Due to the fact that the great gift of Christianity is forgiveness, all we really have to do is have a change of heart realizing the wrong that we have done, and with repentance ask God to forgive us. It is then wiped away, blotted out and God never wants to hear about the past sins He has already forgiven ever again.
What a loving Father we have !
When decision makers or voters don't choose to learn, or information is censored, altered or omitted, anywhere for any reason, by any entity, the decision makers are then ill-informed and therefore unable to make their decisions responsibly or correctly. Ignorance pays for itself,
False witnessers will pay double !
Have a change of heart
for God's love,
repent and live well...
Why do most churches and many governments censor and keep this soul saving information from you ?
Please pray for wisdom, read the King James Bible for yourself, while it can still help you ! This is the least twisted bible available. Realize that many kenites have been scribes since the old testament and are part of satan's plan to deceive ! This is why you want to use the Strong's Exhaustive Concordance as a tool with a King James Companion Bible to verify word translations and transliterations, for example;
Armageddon in Greek means to uncover to reveal and to make known as in Revelations
At the point in time that the true Christ arrives, the seventh trumpet will sound, and all people on earth will be instantly transfigured into their own spiritual bodies and into a different dimension. Being caught up in the air, spirit, breath of life is to shed the human clay pot body and to be in your spiritual body, the same one you had in the first world age and all this happens in a wink of an eye. This is the beginning of the Lord's Day ! The Millennium, A thousand years of teaching !
At the end of the Millennium, we each make one last stand, for, or against Christ. After which is The Great White Throne of Judgement. This is a payday for those who have chosen wisely and have overcome with stored up treasures of good works in Heaven and it is also a one way trip into the lake of fire to be eternally blotted out for those who shouldn't be around in the third world age anyhow.
Here in this second world age, we are being judged of our hearts and our minds for the good of the souls in the third world age by our choices to love God though Jesus Christ or not to.
Offer repentance to God and forgiveness to those who earnestly seek it from us.
God created all things for His pleasure, if you're not giving Him pleasure, you will be filtered out !
How perfect our Father is
to allow each of us the free will to choose to love Him !
True love cannot be bought or paid for, nor can it be ordered or demanded. True love will not generate through fear or deceit. True love is our best emotion freely given from our hearts, intellect and spiritual bodies that is felt soul deep and is what God wants from all of us !
Life is precious...
Death reminds us of this. Thank God that our deaths in these clay pot bodies isn't final... To be absent of the body is to be present with the Lord.
Death is heart wrenching to say the least and the emotions felt in times of uncertainty can build or break our faith. Emotions motivate and drive us to have stronger thoughts that many times should be worked through with prayer for wisdom and Christian guidance but are instead acted upon and create a dark and rocky path that as we grow wiser teaches us it should not be travelled.. Our choices matter, we will account for each of them in the millennium... We are here now for God to see how we choose... One choice could be a blessing storing up a treasure in heaven for God to bestow upon us at The Great White Throne Of Judgement while the other choice could mean being blotted out and not getting to go into the third world age to live for eternity...
Learning to repent in the name of Jesus Christ is so worth the very small effort on our part...
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